
Faced with so much that is impossible to understand, standing right at the edge of the mortality of everything that we knew and are and may come to be, what else can we do but create, make something, make it with love and clarity. Make it out of desperation that turns into tenderness. Make it out of the deepest part of ourselves, present everywhere and nowhere. 

– Margaret Gibson

Write with the idea that if this doesn’t get published, it was still worth it because you learned a lot about yourself. That’s what I mean by authenticity. 

– Amy Tan

All great teachers love us. This is essentially what makes them great. I also understand that it is this love that never dies, and that, having once experienced it, we have the confidence always exhibited by well-loved humans, to continue extending this same love.

– Alice Walker

Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that it is worth doing no matter how it turns out.

– Vaclav Havel

Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts.

– Wendell Berry

Being right is not the point. Being useful is.

– Mark Epstein

Try to be useful to other people, and be kind.

– Barack Obama